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Individual Book Details: H0013

Record Date
Collection Name
Notable Copies
Ownership Type
Private Owner
1854 Book of Mormon, Guerme Hirst from H. B. Clawson
Inscription listing this a gift to Guerme Hirst from H. B. Clawson, dated Aug 13, 1866
Accompanying Letter to Guerme from her Nephew A.A. Hirst, dated Aug 13, 1866
In private collection, once processed through Tschanz Rare books
Unique Features
Spine: Black Leather with five panel sections. Four sets gold ribbing to separate the panels. Title block in second from top panel. Other panels with diagonal grid work.
Spine Lettering and Label: Gold block letters imprinted into spine.
Cover: Decorative cover embossed into front cover with gold perimeter.
Binding: Cover/Spine hinges intact. Decorative inside pastedown and end papers separated.
Title Page: Present and intact. Brittle right edge. Printing date listed
Text: Full text block. Versing listing on major paragraphs. Gold edging
Inscription: Second front endpaper: “Mis(SP) Guerme Hirst, Compliments H. B. Clawson Great Salt Lake City Aug 13, 1866.”
Notes: Accompanying letter from Guerme’s nephew A.A. Hirst explaining this book given to her by H.B Clawson from a meeting he had with her in Philadelphia. A.A. offers her to be a plural wife to Clawson and describes the details of the area. Hand written letter is folded and fold edges are becoming separated. Additional typed letter with copied text included.
Tschanz archive states that this is a satirical letter in jest as A.A. Hirst was a Catholic Bishop from Philadelphia, and that “I would have given him a champagne dinner on his arrival, but my exchequer rebelled, Besides there is no champagne in the territory”.
